Sheila Bredin. Since 1993.



When you hire a professional cat sitter it is customary  for the sitter to come to your home prior to your service date to meet you and your cats.  At this time you can assess your comfort level with the sitter and also provide them with a detailed orientation about your pets.   

The following are some of the benefits of hiring a professional pet sitter are as follows:

  • Feeding and litter cleaning schedule will be maintained.
  • Medication will be administered according to your instructions.
  • The sitter will be familiar with your cats likes, dislikes, favorite toys, hiding places and grooming habits and can provide them with love and attention in your absence.
  • Your sitter can communicate with you and provide updates while you are away.
  • Should your cats require medical attention,  the sitter can contact you and your vet and attend to the vet appointments and keep you informed.
  • Your sitter can also collect your mail, water the plants, put the garbage out and rotate lighting to give your home a ‘lived-in’ look.
  • You don’t have to rely on friends and family.
